Are There Any Good, High Power Solid State Amps?

I feel like I'm running low on power with my current 100 watt tube amp, so I'm looking for suggestions. I'd like to try solid state, but I want an amp with an airy, rich tonality. I've been thinking either Pass (love the XA series, but I'm afraid it won't be enough power) Pass X, Krell, Clayton, etc. Can you make any suggestions (new or used somewhere in the $5K - $10k range)?
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure there are, but I have a kid I'm sending to private school, and a house in the burbs! Money is an issue. What suggestion you got in mind?
Maybe so. The Passes would be great, but I listen to stuff loudly sometimes....(don't know what it is about those VR4's I have, but they just don't come alive until you put some juice into them!).

You seem to be ignoring the DNA-500 - not sure why. 500W into 8 ohms, 800w into 4 ohms. The VR4's will be singing like you've never heard them before. The 500 drove my VR7se's incredibly easily - could have broken windows, eardrums, etc. w/o a sweat. I'm not a dealer, nor do I work for SMc, but the DNA-500 really should be on your short list. You can get one used for under $5K and its 1 of the best values in higher-end audio.
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