arragon 4004 amp?good pre amp-used-400-1000 range.

have a arragon 4004 that im looking to get the best bang for the buck...used pre amp for 400-1000 price point...
was thinking the parasound halo pre 3...maybe the vincent audio sa-31...
have a sony sa9000es cd player and boston acoustics vrm-90 speakers...
will spend a tad more if required...
many thanks to all for the input...should have addwd that i prefer bass and treble options,but this is not in stone...also this is primary for two channel...also not in stone...
continued feed back is very much appreciated...
many thanks...sean
I have a 4004 MKII paired with the "entry level" Parasound
2100. This is for PC source stereo only. The 2100 works fine, but my budget was limited at the time and I bought it to run w/ an ancient NAD 90w x 2.

Probably becuase my speakers have an excellent high end (Dali Ikon6 w/ tweeters and ribbons), I don't have the problem that a previous poster reported with the Halo.

My 2100 cost $420 new on eBay. If I had your budget, I'd be looking for something other than the 2100.

Let us know waht you decide on.
john,googled the quad 99...had some nice feed back,but also saw that some owners had a popping noise problem and that sending them back to quad took as long as three months to get them back...
not sure how recent this problem was or if it has been corrected...little bit hesitent now...

I have not looked that deep into the Quad 99, nor have I heard one. I have heard all the preamps that I recommended, and I'm sure they sound much better than the Quad, however, you did mention that you would sacrifice sonic integrity for tone controls, that's when I recommended the Quad. I have heard some inexpensive Quad speakers that sounded pretty decent for the $$$, so I assumed the Quad preamp would also be decent.

Certainly it will not sound as good as Classe, Threshold, Klyne or even Forte, but those preamps don't have tone controls.....which may explain why they sound better.
