Differences in tubes.

Can anyone tell me the differences sonically between kt77s and 6550s? I know a lot of is dependent on the circuit the tubes are used in. I'm using a Jolida 302b with 6550s in it and was thinking of trying kt77s for something different.

Thanks in advance for any help!
I was also wondering how the KT-77 compares with the KT-66 tube? I'm also a fan of the EL-34 tube. Beautiful sounding mid range. I've been considering the Gold Lion tube. Running with Quicksilver amps...Thanks...
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If you're still using Triangle loudspeakers, you may want to call Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio in SoCal (see the A'Gon Guild). He's a Triangle dealer and (I think) a Jolida dealer who specializes in tubes/tube amps and may have some useful thoughts for you.
