In need of an amplifier...

Just sold a pair on Nemo monoblocks that powered a pair of Magnepan 3.6r's. I was going to sell them as well, but I just don't think I can part with them. Considering Class D amps as I don't want anything to physically large. Maybe also a stereo Bryston or McCormack? Not interested in tube amps. I have a Modwright LS 36.5 Preamp. My room is 16 x 28 but I dont really listen to LOUD music. Jazz, Vocal, NuJazz, Fusion, some 70's rock etc. Maybe 86db max 88db. Any thoughts out there? I'd really appreciate it!
I'll fess up, I'm selling one. But the TRL D225 is the best amp I've ever heard. All of the typical audiophile adjectives fail to do it justice. Do a search here and check out what everyone has to say about it.

I also have Dan's 36.5 pre and am currently listening to his new KWA150 amp for the past few days, and as I write this. I'd highly recommend the combination, and that is coming from someone who normally does not prefer SS amps. If you want Class D I've enjoyed Bel Canto Ref 1000's, but they won't bring out the kind of detail and nuance this amp does. They will take no prisoners though, and may be nice for the demanding nature of your speakers. I got mine from my friend who was trying them with his 20.1's on the bass end and ultimately went for powerful tube amps there. Since you seem to be set on solid state options, the other I'd point you to that I've tried with the 36.5 pre, and is a good combination in my system, is the Ayre V5xe. Dan's own amp goes superbly well with his own pre (both designed in large part by Alan Kimmel). Disclaimer: Dan is a client. I am not using Magnepan's either so my recommendations are based on my own system which is playing through Coincident speakers. The Ayre and Dan's amp are right around the same price, while you'll be able to find the Ayre used for around $2800. You won't find Dan's amp on the used market at this point. Dan's is class A for the first few watts then it goes into A/B. The Ayre, I believe, is Class A.
I agree with Jax 2. I own an Ayre V5-xe and I love it. I have never owned maggies, but the amp itself is clean, vibrant and detailed in it's sound. even if i won the lottery I don't think I would get rid of it unless I decided to go with Ayre's monoblocs. I run Vienna acoustics Strauss through them and your listening room is almost the same size as mine. It works well with all kinds of music, from Mozart's flute concerti to Whos Next. Of course, I may be biased. I'm one of those rare birds that is actually satisfied with what I have now.
Channel Islands Audio class D monoblocks come in 100 and 200 watt versions. Ithink the former runs under $1500.