inexpensive preamp for Ayre V3 with Green Mountain

I am working on a budget with Green Mountain Europa speakers. They are great speakers and given the space I am working with, a really good match. My challenge now is to find the right amp/pre-amp combination that fits my budget.

I have settled an Ayre V3 amp and will spend most of my cash on it. I need an inexpensive pre-amp to provide volume control with a remote. Of the sub-$1000 solid state pre-amps, does anyone have a recommendation? I need 2 inputs, balance out, and a set of single end pre-outs for subwoofer. Current bargains on Audiogon include:
Celeste Sim Audio
classe cp60
bryston bp 25
proceed Pre
Music Fidelity A3
Audio Refinement

Lots of options - opinions or feedback based on experience will be appreciated.

Drewh1, My suggestion is to go with an AX-7e. Check out this system:
I've communicated with this audiophile and his AX-7e has plenty of power to drive his GMAs (though note his room is small). More than enough power for him - he listens with the volume at 15-20 indicated whereas I usually listen at 35-40 with my Vandersteen 2s (86 dB) in a medium-large room (clipping is at around 45-50 in my system). If you search the audioasylum archives, I believe you might find a post wherein Charles Hansen implies (or explicitly states?) the AX-7 is better than the V-3.

Thanks man, I think you are absolutely right - I am on a mission to find a used AX-7. Do you know if the 7e is much different from the 7?

thanks for the concise opinion, I need to hear it.

Nothing on your list will likely beat that used Sonic Euphoria balanced pre from MSS Audio right here on the Gon. No affiliation, just a happy SE owner. And it should work fine with your Ayre amp.

If by reading this thread your headed in the direction of an integrated as opposed to separates. Then the Pass Labs INT 150 should be on your short list. I heard that unit not long ago and hands down there is nothing and I mean nothing in an integrated that can come close to the Pass Labs INT 150. In fact I am seriously considering the INT 150 and do away with my separates. Only thing holding me back is lack of on board phono section. I do not like using outboard phono preamps. Just more cabling to deal with. If your not into analog, then this piece from Pass Labs has no peers and stands alone as the finest integrated I have ever heard and I have been in this hobby since 1957. It is mind blowing to say the least. This time around an integrated in a no excuse compromise. Only from the gifted mind of Nelson Pass, whose previous company Threshold set new world standards for high end audio.
I would wait and go with an Ayre pre since the pin configuration would be the same(XLR).