Classe' Preamp comparisons

Anyone ever had the opportunity to compare some of Classe's preamplifiers? Specifically a CP-35 to say, a model Five? Or how about either of those to a CP-50? I'm not sure of the Classe' history, but I do know that I like their sound. Just wondering which units really give the best sonic bang for the buck. I currently run a CA-100 amp into Maggies 1.6's and it seems to be a good match. I have a CP-35, but sometimes think there's something lacking....
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I sold them years ago and used a DR-5. For what you can buy one for now they are hard to beat.
I use 2 CA150 amps as mono also and run an Anthem tube pre with great results, always wanted to try a Classe but the Anthem fell into my lap with no regrets.
I've owned the B&K MC-101 Sonata, Classé CP-35, CP-40 and CP-50 paired with a CA-300 amp. The CP-50 is a significant improvement over the CP-35 and the best of the lot. I concur on the recommendation above of DR-5, DR-6, CP-50 or CP-60.
Thanks for all of the response! Just to make everyone groan and roll their eyes, after all of the considerations, I've decided to ..... go with tubes! I bought an Audible Illusions M3 becuase I heard one a couple of weeks ago and just became captivated by the silly thing. Haven't had tubes in my system for quite a while so this should be fun!
That's great. NO eye rolling here. I grew up on tubes (literally - from age 13) although I now run all solid state. As long as you're happy with the Audible Illusions that all that matters. Enjoy.