Phono Preamp Recommendation

I recently sold my ARC SP-16 and went to an LS-26 linestage. One goal of the upgrade was to improve my vinyl playback which was then suffering in comparison to my Esoteric X-03SE. Now it's time to add a phonostage and I could use some suggestions. Parameters: $2-3K, leaning toward solid state (lower noise, no tubes to swap), low profile (3" high or less). I doubt I'll need gain enough for really low output moving coils nor do I need tons of loading and capacitance adjustments, though some ability to adapt to different cartridges would be nice. Right now I'm running a Dynavector 20XM (medium output coil with 1mv output) in a VPI Scout. I don't see this as my last phonostage but rather one to take me a few years down the road until I can upgrade my table/arm/cartridge in a big way. Basically, I'd like to end up with vinyl playback as good (or better) than what I'm getting on the digital side right now. If I can do this for less than $2K great but I'll go to $3K if the jump in performance is appreciable. Bottom line: performance and reliability are key, features less so. Anything you might suggest should be as good or better than my fallback which is an ARC PH-5 (I know, tubes and taller than 3"!).

Thanks for your assistance.
The Pass Labs Aleph Ono is about 3 inches tall and is solid state... some of them even have adjustable gain. An old Threshold FET-10pc or FET-10pe would be great (if you can find one) and they're less then 3 inches tall. A new or used Primare R-20 would be an excellent choice also... this one should take you a few years down the road for sure.
>>03-04-09: Gslone
The Pass Labs Aleph Ono is about 3 inches tall<<

Actually the Pass Aleph Ono is almost 5 inches tall.

Dealer disclaimer
One of the best - Transistor - sounding Phonostages available is Klyne 7 series.
Or - when available - Vendetta Research.
Try the new Nagra BPS. It is in your price range. It is very compact, solid state, battery operated and very quiet. Loading is by moduals.
I have thier VPS and it is better than the BPS but at more than twice the price.
I listened to the BPS at Goodwin's in Waltham MA.. Very nice sound.
I personally favor tube phonostages (most are dead quiet, so noise is not an issue), though I can understand the need for convenience and something that fits available space.

I've only heard briefly the Sutherland phonostages (battery powered, low profile). They sounded quite good -- smooth and natural, without a pronounced solid state sound (artificially sharp "edge" to the attack of notes and mechanical sound). Perhaps they were a bit bland or polite, but, I heard it in an unfamiliar system.

I've also heard a Tom Evans phonostage that sounded pretty decent, but again, it was in an unfamiliar system.

I've owned, and liked, the Linn Linto. This is a fairly dynamic and exciting phonostage that somehow avoids being edgy or dry sounding. For some reason, this reasonably priced phonostage is overlooked, though it is quite decent. Perhaps, its lack of adjustability is the reason it is not favored, though it worked well with my Lyra Titan.

As someone else mentioned, the Klyne is a really fine phonostage. The internal build on a Klyne is quite impressive too. A used Klyne (not easy to find) might be in your price range.