A great linestage/preamp "makes" a great system

I've evolved a very nice and synergistic 2 channel music system over the past decade (posted). The learning curve has been very steep at times, but the result has been worth the ride. The one component I've found the most elusive to get "right" is the linestage/preamp. I've owned resistor-based attenuators (EVS and Endler), passive TVCs (Django and amorphous core Promethius), Musical Design MP-1b and custom 2 box "balls out" (Black Gates/tantalum resistors/Schottky)solid state, fully tweaked Atma-Sphere MP-3, and Blue Circle 3000 GZPZ tubed units - all of which had virtues, but none possessing the full package. I understand where the passive crowd is coming from. That nth degree of transparency is very hard to get from actives. Likewise, the liquidity/body/"humanness" of great actives adds so much to my musical enjoyment. My new Audio Note L3 Kits "2 box" Custom build from Bill Baker of Bella Extreme has finally gotten me the best attributes of both passive and active designs I've used.

I'm wondering if any of you, like me, have been on the journey a while and have found the linestage/preamp to be the trickiest to get "right" in your system. For me a truly outstanding one is the centerpiece of my system.
Despite some of what others might call short commings, I like the thor MK II line stage.

I also feel the preamp, if one is used, is very very important.

congrats on your own achievement.

to get off mine, I'd have to find one with as good or better sonics, and far more flexibility, and all with remote control actuation.
To this day adding a preamp to my system many many years ago (formerly had been using a Wadia CDP w/ volume control) was the single biggest improvement my system ever experienced. While speakers and amp make the most noticeable differences, the Preamp is a critical component when it comes to fine detail, and nuance. Congratulations on finding one you like. I've been through many recently and I've found a couple I really like. I think my current unit is going to be a "keeper".
If the preamp is dropping the ball with the signal, loosing detail and bandwidth, that sort of thing, there is no way the power amplifier will be able to restore it downstream. As a consequence the preamp is the heart of the system- everything emanates from it; it has to be right.
The preamplifier and source component should be considered as one. Get either one wrong and you have half.
I guess I might be the odd man out. In my expereince linestages have had less sonic influence than speakers and amps. I will agee that due to the specific funtions needed and the direct hands on interaction, linestages might have qualities or the lack there of, that connect or disconnect us to our systems on other levels.