A great linestage/preamp "makes" a great system

I've evolved a very nice and synergistic 2 channel music system over the past decade (posted). The learning curve has been very steep at times, but the result has been worth the ride. The one component I've found the most elusive to get "right" is the linestage/preamp. I've owned resistor-based attenuators (EVS and Endler), passive TVCs (Django and amorphous core Promethius), Musical Design MP-1b and custom 2 box "balls out" (Black Gates/tantalum resistors/Schottky)solid state, fully tweaked Atma-Sphere MP-3, and Blue Circle 3000 GZPZ tubed units - all of which had virtues, but none possessing the full package. I understand where the passive crowd is coming from. That nth degree of transparency is very hard to get from actives. Likewise, the liquidity/body/"humanness" of great actives adds so much to my musical enjoyment. My new Audio Note L3 Kits "2 box" Custom build from Bill Baker of Bella Extreme has finally gotten me the best attributes of both passive and active designs I've used.

I'm wondering if any of you, like me, have been on the journey a while and have found the linestage/preamp to be the trickiest to get "right" in your system. For me a truly outstanding one is the centerpiece of my system.
I guess I might be the odd man out. In my expereince linestages have had less sonic influence than speakers and amps. I will agee that due to the specific funtions needed and the direct hands on interaction, linestages might have qualities or the lack there of, that connect or disconnect us to our systems on other levels.
I definitely found that a great linestage was the key to my system. Trying around 6 units that retailed between $3k and $6K, I finally found the one that sang and opened everything up. Trying different amps with the same "good, but not perfect" linestage resulted in different flavors of the same sound, but not the near mind-blowing improvement that the right linestage made in my system. It is so system dependent, it is hard to know what is really the best, but I found one that was extremely synergistic with my other components and very nice in it's own right.

In the last few months, I demoed at home: Eastern Electric Minimax, Herron VTSP1a-166, Classe CP-700, Audio Research LS26, Dehavilland Ultraverve II, Modwright 9.0 Signature, Simaudio I-7 preamp section, and McCormack ALD-1 with Gold+ SMC upgrades. All had their plusses and minuses, but the ALD-1 was the standout for my system. It is nice that the journey is over; time to focus on my source!
Founding the right one has been truly a revelation and life changing (audio) experience for me. So, enough of flirting and dating (almost 30years), am now happily married to one. She now becomes the backbone of my great family.. =)
I don't necessarily agree that the linestage makes the most difference, but, I do agree that it is the electronic component that is most unpredictable in terms of compatibility. I've heard preamps and linestages that sounded really good in one system that were utterly hopeless in another very good system. This has been particularly the case with tube gear. Also, a tube linestage may sound slow and soggy in one system and thin and analytical in another, with no obvious reason for the difference. That makes the search for the right one a pretty tricky endeavor.

I currently use an Emotive Audio Epifania linestage and a Viva Fono phonostage (both tube). This combination works well with my amp (Audionote Kageki). As far as functionality/ergonomics, it has what is to me the minimum features -- remote control of balance and volume. Other features I wish it had would be ability to individually adjust the sensitivity of each input, a mono switch and the ability to change absolute polarity by remote control. Soundwise, it is a terrific linestage -- open, detailed and lively sounding, huge soundstage, delivers a dense and natural sounding harmonic structure without sounding soggy.

All those features I require, and a whole lot more, are available in the the Levinson No. 32 preamp I also own. However, it does not deliver the same level of performance as the Epifania. I have lent it to others and it does seem to be quite predictable, in terms of the kind of sound it delivers -- well composed, relaxed, natural, but a touch dull sounding (I don't know about the Epifania's compatibility because I haven't lent it out. Emotive Audio's cheaper linestage, the Sira, is EXTREMELY variable in its performance).

I also own a Placette Active linestage. In some ways it is actually better sounding than the Levinson (very lively and fast sounding), but it is not nearly as ergonomically easy to use and "complete." Still, this is quite a "bargain" compared to the Levinson and the Epifania.
I just tried my recession system in a "direct connection", that is;I connected the power amp directly to the tape input to bypass the linestage in my preamp. I have been playing records (analog mm). The system plays fairly loudly,but not too bad.The sound is significantly better.It gives the feeling that there is no ceiling to the treble extension and the bass is very coherent.Indeed, when playing a very good Hyperion recording Howells/Vaughn Williams,the inner details,microdynamics are much more apparent and well placed within the sound stage.This music is very difficult to record and play. Top treble notes are often portrayed as a big splat! of distortion.With this config. this rarely happened and only in the biggest spot on the recording.
This has finally opened my eyes to the passive preamp. Does anyone know of a basic,cheap,very cheap, kit or diy for a passive?

This system is surprisingly revealing.The Snell E speakers are in a close listening position.These are driven by a Arcam P-80 power amp and a Advent reciever/preamp.The source is a Realistic direct drive table with a AudioTechnica AT62E.

I know it sounds like cheap junk,but it would surprise you as it has others (knowledgeable audiophiles).

I feel that I have stumbled onto a very well matched system, that performs beyond expectations.

come have a listen
