I dont believe that 'grading' belongs to philosophy but
well to logic and mathematics. In the ordinary language
we have the metaphor about the forest and the trees of
which a forest consist while nobody believes that an
forest can be described by the enumeration of the trees.
I am very reluctant to say whatever about mathematics but
if I remember well there is this so called 'ordinal ordering'
by which we name the first, the second, etc.,
place for something or other. Even the grammar seems to
prescribe some order by, say, comparison in lenght. So
if John is the tallest guy in the class we can't say:'but
Peter, Don, Lew and Nikola are of the same length as John.
I have some idea about the 'why' of this disorder but this
is pure speculation. The case is that in the so called
socialistic coutries the 'dialectic logic' was/is considered to
be superiour to the capitalistic logic. This 'dialectic logic' is
attributed to Hegel. I have read (really) his 'Science of Logic'
for which ,uh, comrad Hegel needed 650 pages.
I learned something about logic from Frege but was not
able to find one single sentence on those 650 pages that
has enything to fo with logic.
My further assumption is that comrade Grgaudio got his
basic education in the former Sovjet Union with Hegelian,
uh, 'logic' included.