Amplifier hum - normal?

Is it normal for amps to emit a slight humming noise from the transformer when turned on?

I never noticed it in my old integrated that I lived with for over 10 years, but that was lower power. Now I've gone from 50wpc to 120wpc... don't know if that makes a difference here though.

I mean, it's not nearly enough to bother me or even really be audible past 3 feet away... but I am curious if this is typical for amplifiers to do this.
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There's also the Humbuster III from PS Audio. The DIY solution costs much less though.
Install the DC blocking circuit in a metal enclosure with a 120V 15A single or duplex receptacle. Insert the blocker between the incoming HOT line and HOT terminal of the receptacle.

Its probably easiest to install everything in a 4" x 2 1/8" or deeper steel electrical junction box and use a cover plate with holes for a single or duplex receptacle. Alternatives are a metal power strip enclosure or aluminum project box.

You can use a 3-wire grounded 14 gauge or 12 gauge power cord for the input and be sure to bond the incoming ground wire to both the metal box and ground terminal of the receptacle. Also use an appropriate strain relief at the point where the cord goes into the box.

The caps and diodes can be obtained from Radio Shack, Parts Express, Mouser, etc. Radio Shack does not seem to have 3,300uf caps but they have 4,700uf 35V which will also work.

See this circuit:

Enclosure and two types of 1/2" cable connector/strain relief:

Hmm... I think it's a bit over my head. I've never made a circuit... but, I suppose this may be a good place to start.