nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
yes, BAT is a great company that builds solid product with superb customer service. you can pick up the phone can call them anytime and expect to talk to one of the designer.
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From my perspective, BAT has so many "special" versions of their products, I think they've created some confusion or at least cause dilution in posts about them.
Go to AA and ask Victor Khomenko (This is a positive suggestion not a rag!)
BAT is run by great people but Victor designs from his own theoretical ideals and comfort zone to a fault. I remember visiting their production facility and noticing the large driver mounted on a cardboard baffle which they used for bench checks...yup, pretty...unique? I've owned alot of BAT gear but always wound up loving ARC stuff more! BAT gear always seemed to have some peculiar electrical quirks as well..very annoying at times!