nobody talks about BAT anymore?

Want to know any feedback on VK32 frm any owner but seemsno one is talking, reviewing their great product anymore?

What happen to the company?
Good natured teasing is as much a part of this site as audio talk. Sometimes the forum is a bit rough but it is also equally helpful. Take the good with the bad and don't make yourself a victim.
I count myself among the many, many, many here who love Marty's (Viridian) posts! He always lends an incredibly funny and witty perspective to things, and he's as knowledgeable as any audiophile I know.

Please try to see the humor in what he posts. There is often some sarcasm there, but it never fails to be hysterical. We can all stand to lighten up, after all, laughter is the best medicine.

Marty, PLEASE don't ever change.

By the way, I'm still talking about Defender - does that have any bearing?
thanks all for comments ala - related/non related ... still seems no review ever done for vk32. all articles related only for vk32se...
