No output on New LS26

I just hooked it up for the first time and have tried both outputs and CD and Proc Pass Thru and get no response from volume. Re hooked main amp back up to pre-pro and it works fine. Hooked up Grado headphone amp up to outputs and nothing. Hooked Grado up to Monitor and get bleed thru so a signal is present. Hooked grado up to record out and get full sound. The culprit appears to be the volume switch. Spent an hour on the phone with the dealer, we racked our brains. Life sometimes has a simple solution that you just don't see it. OH also tried reset procedure 4 times. SO any one have an idea before I box it back up. Hoping is just a tad of magic dust, mixed with sap of oak tree and a frog eye. Let me know what you think.

Make sure that the "Processor" is OFF, the "Monitor" is off and the "Mute" is off. I can come over if you need any help. Just let me know.
Thanks to bothe of you. I have double checked "mute" is off, tried both "monitor" on/off pos. "proc" selects like seperate input so when "cd" is selected, it reconnects inboard. I had to leave for an hour and 1/2 I think I will give it another 30-40min and see if has any capacitance drain from it's little brain. By the way I have re-booted per ARC instruct 4-5 times and no cookie.
I may have a dead soldier. Thanks so far.
Oh well at least I got my C5xe back from it's update so
that will get me through a Saturday nite, with my BLUE METERS! Brad! Ahem the Blue Meters are all aglow!!
Also make sure that you have the tubes seated properly. If you have a bent pin that is missing the socket, the preamp won't come out of mute. Can you see if both tubes are lighting up? Maybe a bad tube? Did you get an extra set of tubes?
Tubes are fine they have been checked 3 times pulled and replaced. They are warm whne I take the out. I just tried again am actually,but may have all along,but had the TV on.
I am actually getting a very faint sound out of the speakers at full volume. And also a grounding buzz/hum with PROC selected and the volume on the Pre/Pro maxed out.
So signal is completing the circuit, just no volume. Maybe bad tubes there seems to be a light glow and they getting warm. That would make sense. But the prevoius leads me to the conclusion that they are good.

Where are sending the output from the LS26 to? If you are sending it to your Mcintosh pre/proc are you selecting the correct setting on the Mcintosh?

If you can, hook up the CD player direct to the LS26, then take the output from the LS26 direct to the amp for the front (2) channels, thus bypassing the Mcintosh pre/proc completely. Not sure if your cables are long enough, but this would isolate the LS26 to just a (2) channel setup. If this works, then it's a setting on the Mcintosh that is wrong.