Spectron Remote Sense Cable

Spectron users, are you using the Remote Sense Cable? If you are, what what made you decide?

I did use it before I moved to monoblock configuration and was very happy with the improvement - amp seemed to be more refined and a better sense of spacial presentation. Not a massive upgrade, but also saves messing around with uber expensive cables.

Disclosure: I have a set I will put up for sale shortly.

Steve - what did you use after moving to monos? Could you not employ these with jumpers or perhaps in double runs?
Spectron Audio has available new Remote Sense cables - in a few levels. The same cables can be used for stereo and mono configurations (with some re-termination). This info with more details should appear on Spectron Web Site in a week or so.... Meanwhile, if you are interested you can call them
Thanks-- I will watch the Spectron site -- thought it seems to be slow to update anything in the last year, maybe a new design is on the way. I am most interested in learning how to biwire with these cables in a mono set up.