Spectron Remote Sense Cable

Spectron users, are you using the Remote Sense Cable? If you are, what what made you decide?

Hello Guma15,

Finally, I can answer your question and my apologies for the delay. We recently introduced next generation of remote sense cables. See description here -http://spectronaudio.com/remotesense.htm. We are producing them for a few months for beta testing and now we decided to offer them for use with our Musician and Premier amplifiers.

These cables were developed with consultation of Joe Cohen of Prana Wire (silver ribbons). I cannot compare them to JPS cables because neither did I nor John Ulrick was able to auditioned JPS cables et all - one of the few reasons why we decided to developed our own cables.

Regarding the Elrod Cables - I own Gold Signature Elrods and I believe there is no equal to them (except, of course Gold Statement but at $20k retail I cannot afford them ...yet).

Finally, a few of our beta testers were very happy with what this generation of Remote Sense cables, particularly Signature brought to their systems.

Thank you for your patience.
Its been several months since I've used the Stealth, and my aural memory fails me. As I recall I only slightly preferred the Elrods- a bit more well-rounded and balanced presentation and slightly tighter and fuller bass. But this was comparing biwire Elrods to single wire Stealth, which is slightly unfair, no?
I plan to use the Stealth in a second room, going from Wavac 300B to Musical Affairs Grand Crescendo.
Again, why was the JPS Remote Sense sourced cable replaced? Does anyone know if the new remote sense cable is as good as the JPS sourced cables?

And yet, a good high quality cable such as the Elrod cables are still better than going with the remote sense cable?
Hello Wadav,

In about 10 days, we will send newsletter to Spectron amp owners (specifically, to whom we have e-mail addresses) where we will explain more regarding our latest Remote Sense cables.

One question I will answer here. I myself own and use David Elrod Gold Signature speaker cable ($9,5k retail) and if you can afford it then this cable is better then ours ($2.9k retail. I love David Elrod works!

Good Luck