Advice on a nice integrated is needed

Hi all. I intend to build up a secondary system around a very high class integrated amp.

On my very short list are: JRDG Continuum 500, Gryphon Diabolo, McIntosh MA 7000 and ASR Emitter Version Blue SE

Has anybody directly compared these devices ? Any input is appreciated.

Frankpiet, contact member Guidocorona for comments on the JRDG 500. Since the Accuphase E-550 sounded boring and sterile to you, I'd think something was wrong in that setup. (maybe the amp/speaker match or source) I'd also add the relatively new to the market Esoteric A100 to my audition list as well. Let us know about your decision.
Your note above says you are looking for the "best" solution out of an integrated. Have you looked at Pass LabsÂ’ first integrated amplifier INT-150? I have not heard the unit but it looks very interesting. see
Over on they have the "Pass Labs INT-150" and other brand named integrated amps and they say the Luxman L590a mk2 is the best that they have ever heard!.....
I'd consider the VAC Phi Beta as mentioned by Mapman if thinking tubes, or possibly the Ayon Triton. If staying with SS, I'd recommend a Karan KA I-180.

I would recommend Plinius 9100/9200. They sound very musical and make you feel like in the music hall. Have not heard the Luxman, but reviews say it is one of the best.