Advice on a nice integrated is needed

Hi all. I intend to build up a secondary system around a very high class integrated amp.

On my very short list are: JRDG Continuum 500, Gryphon Diabolo, McIntosh MA 7000 and ASR Emitter Version Blue SE

Has anybody directly compared these devices ? Any input is appreciated.

I've reviewed both the Plinius and a Luxman. No contest. Luxman. Unless you like an ultrabright, detailed, etched, solid state sound. And you'd better have lots of current avialable in your room. It is starved for current. If that sounds like you, then go for the Plinius.
"ultrabright, detailed, etched, solid state sound"

Wow, this is my first time hearing such words describing Plinius. The most frequently used words for 9100/9200 are always "tube like".
I've reviewed both the Plinius and a Luxman. No contest. Luxman. Unless you like an ultrabright, detailed, etched, solid state sound. And you'd better have lots of current avialable in your room. It is starved for current. If that sounds like you, then go for the Plinius.
Jimaxp (Threads | Answers)

Ditto Heyanming, I never read a similar description of the Plinius 9200 like that ever.

Jimaxp, I've owned the Plinius 9200 and your description is nothing like I ever heard. The Plinius was smooth with nice highs, and not typical of many solid state designs. It just goes to prove the point that from system to system, the cables, speakers, room, ancillary gear and quality of power can drastically alter the performance of any high end gear.