Advice on a nice integrated is needed

Hi all. I intend to build up a secondary system around a very high class integrated amp.

On my very short list are: JRDG Continuum 500, Gryphon Diabolo, McIntosh MA 7000 and ASR Emitter Version Blue SE

Has anybody directly compared these devices ? Any input is appreciated.

The Karan KA I-180 would get my vote for a premier solid state integrate. For tube's, I'd bat serious glances at VAC, Viva, and Jadis.
Couldn´t get hold of the Atilla as it is not ready for delivery yet. But had a chance to compare the Gamut Di-150 to the Lindemann. To me it was a no brainer. The Gamut was the much more engaging and dynamik device with lots of detail and great transparency. The Lindeman wasn´t bad but not on par with the Gamut but to my ears better than the Accuphase and the Luxman.

I have heard wonderful things about the Vitus SS-010 - has anybody ever heard this device beeing stated as one of the very very best integrated amps ?
I've owned the JRDG Concentra(1), Concerto (which I still have), and in between the mac 6900 - I have not heard the 7000 or the Continuum 500. The Concentra is still one of my favorite all time amps, although I never was able to compare it directly to the Concerto, and several years and homes have passed in between. As for the McIntosh, it was a great amp, although they are so big that I felt like I might have just gone with separates. The new JRDG amps are more compact, if that matters. As for sound, I think the Rowland amps have a bit more clarity and quietness, though as always I'd want to hear them side by side for an extended comparison. I would not classify either as 'warm'. And then system synergy is probably even more of a factor. Mac has a better resale value it seems. Rowland has a better warranty. I prefer the Rowland (I also have mine paired with the PC-1, which the Continuum 500 comes with). It looks great, sounds fantastic, and build quality is outstanding - I don't worry about maintenance.