Advice on a nice integrated is needed

Hi all. I intend to build up a secondary system around a very high class integrated amp.

On my very short list are: JRDG Continuum 500, Gryphon Diabolo, McIntosh MA 7000 and ASR Emitter Version Blue SE

Has anybody directly compared these devices ? Any input is appreciated.

I´ve started auditioning Luxman L-590 AII vs Accuphase E-550. While the Luxman was on the rather warm and "mellow" side with nice transparency and detail the Accuphase was as stated in this thread by someone very linear and "lifeless" (boring) sounding although beeing pure Class A. Looking both at their respective asking prices and design which is rather hifi than high-end both devices were rather disappointing to me.
Next on my audition list are Gryphon Atilla and Lindemann.
I have owned the Karan KA-I 180 (most current model) and it was superb. Definitely I would put that on your list over the McIntosh. I also would second (third) the VAC unit.
The Karan KA I-180 would get my vote for a premier solid state integrate. For tube's, I'd bat serious glances at VAC, Viva, and Jadis.
Couldn´t get hold of the Atilla as it is not ready for delivery yet. But had a chance to compare the Gamut Di-150 to the Lindemann. To me it was a no brainer. The Gamut was the much more engaging and dynamik device with lots of detail and great transparency. The Lindeman wasn´t bad but not on par with the Gamut but to my ears better than the Accuphase and the Luxman.

I have heard wonderful things about the Vitus SS-010 - has anybody ever heard this device beeing stated as one of the very very best integrated amps ?