Moon i3.3 vs Plinius 9100


Wich amp for Dynaudio Excite 32 (replace Audition series), and why?

Witch one for Dynaudio??? Please...
Music choice mostly rock and jazz, room medium 4,5x4,5m

I really like the 9100. It is amazing amp. have not heard the simaudio, but the sim audio will be much more agressive than the plinius...what i have heard...the plinius will be more neutral than the sim. So it boils down to preference...for dynaudio...i would chose plinius.
I have had a pair of Dynaudio Focus 140 and now have Contour 1.4. I have used a Plinius 8200 MK III, Moon I-3se, I-5 and I-7. The Plinius can do rock and jazz with muscle and finesse; could use a bit more detail. Its strength was the midbass. However, to my ears the Simaudio/ Dynaudio combination has a better synergy. I felt more drawn into the music.