My speakers are 91db and 6 ohm+. I'm also trying to decide if something with 32W like a VAC 30/30 would provide enough drive. I'm currently using a VAC PA100 which I prefer over the Phi 110. PA100 amps can be found under 2 grand. Other contenders to consider: CJ MV60, AES Six Pacs, VTL 85.
I would suspect you would need more than 30W in a room that size. I have a 30W Cary amp on 89db speakers in a 10x14 room and it rocks. My main room is 14x15 with a ceiling that vaults to 11.5 ft and open at the top to a kitchen/dining area. I don't know how loud 30W is going to go. I might try the Cary in the big system just to see.
I would suspect you would need more than 30W in a room that size. I have a 30W Cary amp on 89db speakers in a 10x14 room and it rocks. My main room is 14x15 with a ceiling that vaults to 11.5 ft and open at the top to a kitchen/dining area. I don't know how loud 30W is going to go. I might try the Cary in the big system just to see.