To Bridge Or Not To Bridge

Howdy. I have a Krell KAV-500 with five channels running only three Thiel SCS4 speakers. I don't have any need of the other two channels for the foreseeable future.

Anyone see why I shouldn't bridge two of the channels to give the center more power?

It sounds fine now but more power never seems to hurt with Thiels. The only reason I ask is that I don't want to undo all those screws if there is a reason not to do it in the first place. Thanks!
Almarg, that was my concern as well. I don't see anything confidence inspiring in the manual either. But Bret D'Agostino said it would be fine. I'll call again to double check, I don't have the bridging wires anyway it turns out.

Douglas, the KAV-500 is lifeless and monotonous in my opinion. But its just fine for HT which is why I don't swap it out. The Classe has lots of synergy with the older Thiel 1.5s as many before me have discovered. Also, the power of the Classe is 400W@4O and the Bridged Krell is 400W@4O so you must be thinking of a different amp when you say there is more power.
Well, an email from Krell customer service contradicts what Bret told me.

I guess the answer is Not To Bridge.

Maybe I should run some speakers to the porch...
Hey guys, not so fast!
A bridged amp is effectively two amps wired in series, one amp has inverted phase, so each amp is half of a bridged push-pull "composite amp".
This doubles the available output voltage, NOT the current.
Since Power = V squared/impedance, bridged power is quadrupled into 8 ohms.
However, if each non-bridged amp is specified to drive a 4 ohm minimum load, two amps in series will drive confortably 8 ohms (4+4), nothing lower than that.
Otherwise a bridged amp would be contradicting the laws of electricity.

To double the current and be able to drive half the impedance load, we need amps connected in paralell, and that's exactly how most manufacturers scale up the power: by adding more transistors in paralell at the output stage.
Load impedance is the main crippling factor of bridged amps: they have lots of theoretical power, however, for those amps that I have auditioned, bridged amps have a hard time driving current-hungry speakers.

In your case, the ideal solution would be vertical bi-amping, one amplifier for the bass, one for the remaining drivers, if only Thiel made bi-wired speakers!