Who bought ARC?

I know this is old news - but missed it when it was fresh.Does anyone know anything about the holding company that bought Audio Research last year? Do they own other audio or electronics firms?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
At $ 2 million it was a steal, hope he got cash and a long consultant contract.
That does not seem right.
I'm sure Audio Research is worth much more then that.
I could not find any article that disclosed the financials of that sale.
The price is misleading; since it was a tube amp company they are obviously being paid in 1965 dollars.
The omission in the press release (no home theater stuff) might be the reason the company was sold for the range indicated. Their customer base is aging (like me) and is not being replaced fast enough. What are their annual sales? That would give a better indication as to the fairness of the deal.
Hey Mr. ARC owner, we've got a deal for you.

- don't worry about payroll or daily operations anymore
- we'll hire your management team
- well give you $150K for 3 years to look over designs and if we have questions
- well give you $2M now

doesn't look so bad when you look at it like that.