Acoustat 2+2 : CJ 2500A or Simaudio W 5 ?

I’m looking forward to replace my 2500A by the W 5. It will drive Acoustat 2+2 speakers. What will I get more……or less ? Is it a worthwhile upgrade ?

Thanks !
Hi Andr,

I have been considering a 2500A for my 1+1. What are you looking for with a change? So far, the best amp I have used is a Cairn Audio 4810 integrated. I've had large tube amps, H2O, Wyred, Class A - all much more powerful, but just not as musical as the Cairn.
I love the cj 2500 A but I'm looking a little more firmness and impact in the low frequencies. Both my preamps are sweet enough. Just want something that will show a little more what the Acoustats can give me.

I'm probably aiming for the same level but I've got somebody who wants my 2500A and a guy almost next door is selling the W5. He's on a hurry and not willing to give a few days try out in my system.
If you really want to hear your 2+2's for all their worth, try one of the new Sanders Sound System's ESL amps. Monos are the cat's meow, but the stereo version is plenty.