Best preamp for my system.

I am looking to upgrade my preamp, and am looking for advice from experienced audio people. I am currently running an Emm Labs CD player into a Levinson 380S and then the Levinson 33H's and on to the Genesis 4 tower speakers. All signals running through Gabriel Gold Rapture IC's. What I like is a real lush sound, vocals being most important with respect to accuracy. Some preamps that I am considering are the ARC reference and Lamm Reference.......but am open to suggestions if a serious upgrade from my 380S can be had for less than those two expensive units.
I went from a 380S to a BAT VK51SE. (which I bought used on Agon) what a step up from the 380S -incredibly transparent with much more dynamics. Works great with the levinson amps -I was using it with 4-436's but have switched to the newer 532 (another story by itself-it blows away the 4 -436's) with a pair of German Physiks speakers. A BAT can be had used for about $4200 or so on Agon. I haven't heard the Lamm, but they make fine products. If you want to stay solid state the newer ML preamps like the 326 are hard to beat.
For lush sounding, you must add Conrad johnson to your list. Is your cabling balanced ? If so, stick to ARC ref. Otherwise, look for a CJ in the older Art series down to the Premier 16.

Anything less, IMHO, would be detrimental to your actual system !
I have been auditioning the Allnic L-1500 and it certainly fits your description....a very good linestage and good value for the money IME
Second the CJ (just bought the Art 2 and love the sound, not overly lush, detailed and dynamic) CJ is definitely worth a listen.