Best preamp for my system.

I am looking to upgrade my preamp, and am looking for advice from experienced audio people. I am currently running an Emm Labs CD player into a Levinson 380S and then the Levinson 33H's and on to the Genesis 4 tower speakers. All signals running through Gabriel Gold Rapture IC's. What I like is a real lush sound, vocals being most important with respect to accuracy. Some preamps that I am considering are the ARC reference and Lamm Reference.......but am open to suggestions if a serious upgrade from my 380S can be had for less than those two expensive units.
Thanks guys! I did find a number of reviews today that raved about the ARC ref3, very impressive. What I like about it is that it has dual balanced outputs! Wondering though if you can do HT has a video input!!?? Not sure if that would be for the HT passthrough! Thing I'm finding with ARC is everyone likes it. With BAT some really really don't like it, others rave about it. I know alot of this is system dependant, but ARC seems to at least work for everyone! The MBL is interesting, anyone have any experience with ARC AND MBL?

Yes it has Cinima passthrough. It does not do any video. My HT sounds better going through my Ref3 than directly from my Meridian G68. The feed go's through the tubes with unity gain and the Ref3 must be on even though it is in Cinima passthrough. It is not a direct WIRED passthrough as with some other preamps like VAC. The VAC Limited I had I could shut off when in Cinima passthrough mode if I wanted to. I use the extra output for my sub.
Bullot, I have owned and lived with both the VTL Ref7.5 and ARC Ref3 in succession of 3yrs+ each ('01-'08). Although found them to be good satisfactory pre-amps, they are simply not in the same league to that of FMA 245. In the three separate different instances and set-ups which I know of, owners traded their Ref3 within minutes of a side-by-side comparisons (four including me).

Opinions and reviews aside, you owe it to yourself to find means and have a first hand experience to compare them directly yourself--ARC Ref3 vs MBL 6010D vs FM 245--best in your own system prior to any decision. Bad news is that, for the price--they don't even have a remote! ;)
Ok, VTL.........can't get past the looks.
Halcro......can't get past the looks. much cash, unless a used one comes on the market.
MBL 6010D:This seems to be my best option right now! There are used ones on here occasionally for a decent price.
Burmester 011: Very intrigued! ANYONE EVER AUDITION THE BURMESTER??