Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?


Spectron Audio web site states that they have new black faceplates and I wonder if someone has Spectron amp with this look? I am considering to get their monoblocks.

It seems (from their web site) that they are on the rise - hiring new people, getting new reviews, even new Remote Sense cables... interesting

Hello Mike,

Spectron website master will place photos of new faceplates next week. They look identical to the silver one but anodized. Basically, it is an optional choice for the people who have black stereo equipment and want to be consistent.

Thank you for your kind words, Spectron Audio indeed received a couple awards and we expect a few reviews (one - next month).

Except new faceplate there is no substantial changes with our flagship, Musician III - hopefully at next year CES we will debut some other product.

Thank you
" I am considering to get their monoblocks"

Hello Mike,

What are you looking for in the amplifier? What is your speakers etc?

All The Best
Hello Rafael and all other owners of Spectron amps,

My system: Esoteric X-03 CD Player, Capri by Jeff Rowland , Mackintosh MC2102 and my speakers are Watt/Puppy 8. Cables by Purist Audio Design and power conditioner is Thor by Nordost.

I am looking for more power but I don;t want to be without "tube sound" and I have read that Spectron monoblocks are not only powerful but sound like a good tube amp. I am not sure if I need v-cap and Bybee upgrades.

What is your opinion of Spectron from point of view of musicality? Can it "grab" you?
