Indeed Sonofjim, it was me that purchased the line stage, I just couldn't decide to pull the $13K trigger on the full-function without hearing the "Doshi" sound!
Dan_ed, it has been good PM'ing, and thanks for the best wishes! It's nice to know that we have Galibier and Thom Mackris in common. He's the real deal!
Although over a thousand miles apart, I and my family have had the distinct pleasure of having Thom over to the house twice. Initially, when he was towing a table to the east coast for review and last year when he was on an out-of-town assignment here and ironically enough at my former employerÂ’s. They were my former employer before the business was broken-up and sold. 15-years ago, I wasn't too keen being sold by G.M., but the business that bought us is flourishing; time has a way of changing feelings like that (grin).
Dan_ed, it has been good PM'ing, and thanks for the best wishes! It's nice to know that we have Galibier and Thom Mackris in common. He's the real deal!
Although over a thousand miles apart, I and my family have had the distinct pleasure of having Thom over to the house twice. Initially, when he was towing a table to the east coast for review and last year when he was on an out-of-town assignment here and ironically enough at my former employerÂ’s. They were my former employer before the business was broken-up and sold. 15-years ago, I wasn't too keen being sold by G.M., but the business that bought us is flourishing; time has a way of changing feelings like that (grin).