04-21-09: Armstrod
I've owned the ELS-3s, and they need a good bit of power to really open up. Both Jaybo and Johnnyb53's suggestion are good, and you might also consider the Outlaw RR2150. I haven't owned it, but it get's great reviews, has enough power, plus the phono stage and sub out you desire.
True, the RR2150 has the sub out and a phono stage. Recommendations would be easier if the RR2150 lived up to the hype. I *did* own the RR2150 and I sent it back.
The subwoofer output was so low it didn't work nearly as well as using the speaker terminals of my previous setup. But the main thing was I just couldn't get any magic out of it. It simply could not replace my wheezy old pawnshop Amber stack. The Onkyo, on the other hand, replaced the Amber stack (and a VSP TransMOS amp) handily. Even though the Outlaw and Onkyo units are both Stereophile Class C, they don't deserve to be in the same category. The Outlaw should be Class D and the Onkyo should be borderline Class B.