Better to change Speakers first or new Preamp+amp

I would like some advice...

I currently have a Classe SSP800 with a Krell Theater Amplifier Standard (5x200) and a Krell KAV2250 running a B&W 700 surround sound system(703s for the L/R with the matching center and surrounds). I watch a lot of movies, but listen to mostly music; probably 30/70.

I am ready to upgrade and I really feel like my B&W speakers are now the limiting factor. I am interested in going with the Wilson Sophia 2s with the Watch Center. A big chunk of change, but I was blown away by their sound.

I told the sales guy my plan to upgrade and he told me that if I enjoy music the most I am better off buying a good preamp along with a good two channel amp with the money instead of the speakers first. (He recommended a Boulder 810 Pre with the Boulder 860 two channel running in home theater pass through for movies). I can then later upgrade the speakers.

Does this make sense?

Agree with the above. The salesman is trying to milk you for extra business too soon. If you like the Wilsons, go for them. Better yet, if you can audition the Wilsons in your system, that's the sure way to know if you made the right move. Even if you stay in the B&W line, their higher lines will make a nice improvement as well.
" I really feel like my B&W spekers are the limiting factor" You answered your own question already! It is always what you feel is right. Your ears your money , till you give it to the Boulder salesman that is. Nice gear you own now ...pull the trigger on the speakers.... would be my choice anyway. Cheers
I tend to agree with the above, but why take our word for it. With the amount of new gear you're considering buying, ask him to let you borrow amps and speakers for a long weekend, and hear for yourself. Take a couple vacation days, and duke it out in the comfort of your own home. This is how real high end dealers do it.
Yea, with that outlay of cash borrow the amp and preamp, then the speakers and decide for yourself.