the tough question: Which preamplifier? and why

The amp is a GRAAF iti 50/50
tube amplifier, 50W, input sen of 1.4V

and the choices are:

A. Placette (passive linestage) to keep the system simple and clean, the amp has good numbers
B. McIntosh C15 (solid state with phono)keep things from getting sluggish, don't need a prephono,
C. Audio Note M2 (tube with phone)

thanks in advance
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Amen & thank you Tvad.

Mr T., asked:
anybody care to chime in ??

YES! Mr. T. plse stop!
It didn't get ugly like the thread under Misc Audio

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Now that the slap fight is over, I stand corrected the pv10 is 800 ohms and the Mac is 10Kohms so the 10 to 1 ratio applies...
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