Acurus A-150 v. Musical Fidelity X-150

I'm asking for the expert forum members' advice: Would I benefit, or actually degrade, if I used my Musical Fidelity X-150 as a preamp with an Acurus A-150 power amp, or should I leave the Musical Fidelity running as it's integrated self?
Jim Tremblay
The best thing to do is try it an listen. If you are short on power it might be can improvement though I doubt it.

It depends on the rest of your system and matching. The X-150 has an odd sound with a pinched upper midrange but it is still pleasant to listen to. The Acurus is harsh and bright with a metallic, spitty top end. This works if your speakers are soft and lifeless but if they are detailed it will bite your head off.
I tend to agree with both Narrod and Duane, but I wanted to ask some opinions before I bother pulling things apart and fiddling around. The Acurus, I should think, would benefit greatly from a tube preamp.