I think owning tubes is like being in love with someone. Sure there are compromises, but when it's right, you can't possibly imagine being without them. Rfogel has the right idea. I run the same Atma tube amp and preamp as him. I have been an Atma-sphere user for 20 years (my first set of their amps were almost 20 years old and in perfect condition when I sold them to buy the very latest version - I have since even become a dealer for them) Over the years I have tried some very good SS amps and preamps, and while they were quite good or even excellent, going to the tubes simply always bettered them, in many different ways. The tangible sonic characteristics, and the ones that can't be described, in that one finds themselves so much more "into the music" that goes beyond audiophile attributes.
Also I think owning a set of good tube gear can get one off the audio merry go round much more easily. I think it would be an interesting poll to see who upgrades their gear more often, tube or SS users. If my hunch is correct, than that would mean a considerable cost savings by not buying new gear so often.
I think when i was younger, I was also more impatient. I didn't want there to be any downtime fussing with tubes, and it annoyed me when I had to. I just wanted to listen to music.
Now I look at it as a process, and more of a hobby than just strictly listening to music. I know I may have to hunt down a microphonic or blown NOS tube every so often, but it is seldom and in my mind well worth the investment of time, for the 99.9% of time when I am enjoying the system so much.
Ultimately a well designed tube based system doesn't just make recordings sound nice, but makes them sound like the real thing.
Oh, and as far as tubby or uncontrolled bass, I recently posted about hearing an extremely well regarded speaker, with a well known SS amp that sounded thick and undefined in the bass. Another user posted back that that same combo produced those results when he heard them too. So it isn't just tubes that in the wrong combo can produce a lack of controlled bass.