Jadis with Telefunken 12AX7/ECC83 tubes

After hearing few recommendations of Jadis users I have tried Telefunken NOS 12AX7/ECC83 tubes in my Jadis equipment. I put three tubes in lins stage of JP80MC preamplifier and two tubes in JA80 monoblocks.
I have mixed impressions. These tubes gave very good top end extension and sparkle. The sound was more transparent and some new details appeared. Also the soundstage improved in 3D depth. But some magic of midrange has gone. The Telefunken tubes pushed this a little romantic tube sounding set more into very good solid state set. I am not sure if the overall effect is what I require. Jadis is for to die for midrange and installing the tubes like Telefunkens pushes this set into a little different presentation. I am not sure if I end with these tubes and I am curious other Jadis user experiences with signal tubes rolling.
In my older Defy7 I prefer NOS Tungsol 5751 with ecc82 TFK driver. The second possibility could be TFK ecc83 with NOS RCA black plate 12au7. When all seting composed from total TFKs the sound lacks timbre, basis and air.

>Milimetr try 5751 in JA80 monoblocks?
If you want to try this combination:

JP-80MC in the Line Stage:
1st Tube; 12AX7 Tongsol
2nd Tubu: 12AX7 Tongsol
3rd Tube; 5751

please let me know.... Pierre Gabriel
---> Pierre
- how do you identify first tube in the JP80 preamplifier line stage - counting left to right? I thought that left and right tubes should be the same and the center tube may differ like (it is positioned with pins toward other side).

- What Tundgols do you suggest - can it be gold pins from current production? I heard good opinions about them.

- I have 5751 JAN GE - I used them before in DA88S.

- Waht input tubes do you recommend for inputs in JA80.

I forgotten to mention that the set is 25th Anniversary Gold special edition - a little different than standard edition, but it does not matter in tube rolling.

So far I returned in preamp to stock Electro Harmonix and overall prefer them than Teles in preamp.
-- Right to the Left

-- Tung-Sol 12AX7 new stock,current production, not with gold pin, it push the top end.

-- 5751 Jan GE, it is the good one

Pierre Gabriel
It is coincidentle that in the DA-60 I have that both 12AX7s are current production Tung Sol steel pin. I swap these for Sylvania triple mica blabk plates from the lat 50s. I just had some fresh looking RCA Command 5751s which were simply to fragile and break up fast. Perhaps good for a guitar but not my amp. The 12AU7s right now as an experiment are Telefunkens ECC82 but I am much more pleased when the Heerlen 7316s are in those positions. !Simply holographic!
I almost had a fit when I heard distortion at moderate-low volumes thinking it was the expensive TS KT-88s I put in for over $400.
Thank goodness it was an older tube that tested well but was a variant of the double mica 5751 RCAs Which are much older but appeared at least close o NOS. The amp is truly a very powerful circuit I bought a sleeve some were NOS the others used. It is an older amp but has no cmplaints held up quite well during this last year. A 60 watt amp has no business sounding like a 100 or more wpc. The reputation for thin weak sounding amps went away with the Ei KT-90s it used to use. That I had intended to replace with EL34s. The a very concise and no nonesense recommendation from Jim McShane thus the Gold Lion KT-88s