I'm waiting for this amp delivery and don't have enough money to buy a preamp. Does anyone here connect directly from CDP (with volume control) to this amp? how's the result? Does it sound good? My system MC402(Coming soon)+ B&W805s + CDP Marantz 11S1

Plenty of McIntosh users-ask here

I use a MC602 with the MDA1000 direct-sounds great!.
Enjoy that MC402.
Make sure that your CD player can output at least 4 volts (double the Phillips red book CD standard), because the Mc402s sensitivity for full output swing is 4 V.
I have had great results with Wadia and Audio Aero Capitole CD players.
A regular 2 V output CD player will cripple your Mc 402 to 200W/channel.
If you match properly, it is a killer combination, one less box to worry about, one less power cord and interconnect.
Good luck
The Marantz SA11-S1 does not have volume control. The volume control buttons on the remote are not for controlling its output volume.