Thanks Jwm.
OK I`ll have one more shot simply because Tbg thinks everything is irrelevant when actually EVERYTHING is relevant!!
Einstein once said that everything is relevant, and making things relevant is key to being able to deal with an ever increasing picture.
Firstly if any previous cables have in fact been mentioned before then is it so hard to just post the web address of those posts?
Err,Tbg, why sucha kill joy? Havn`t your latest points already been made clear?
You wasted a full paragraph reiterating your justifications when you could have just listed those 15 cables lol. Don`t list your past cables then dude, if it is such a big deal, but can you also stop trying to be controlling and righteous maybe. Negative vibes.
Ok I`ll try to spell it out with some obvious examples since I have a bit of spare time right now. Havn`t dribbled on here for a while so why not.
What if someone might be on the verge of buying some cable, cable might happen to be on my previous cable list, and at the same time interested in HF. Now seeing this cable listed by me, and seeing how I preferred HF, now he may think twice and research more or ask questions which he may not have before. It is a cop out to simply tell someone to just go try them all for themselves(even though it`s obviously the best way) and nothing more. Or to simply state one cables superiority and nothing more.
What if someone is inexperienced and or someone with limited FUNDS figures out brands such as Teo and HF are benchmark brands and comes to this thread to get some advice from experienced users as to which lesser cables `might` be close or good choice. Regardless of or considering his specific system or w/e.
What if someone doesn`t want to go through what most of us have. How does he get advise? Go read some reviews? But reviews are somewhat `irrelevant` due to all the points guys like Tbg have made over and over right. Same thing goes for all our past experiences with cables apparently. Of course there will always be little agreement. Was there meant to be? That would make this cable fascination ..... well much less fascinating to say the least now wouldn`t it. Sure it is hard to make heads or tails sometimes. BUT with some tools such as research on specific users and components and tastes etc,connecting dots,process of elimination,cross examination,logic,common sense,interaction with guys(like us), intuition?, and of course your own experiences, one may sooner or later feel more confident to make a choice. Maybe even end up quite happy with himself. How do you go through these processes with nothing to feed off? All this can simply be fun even if the outcome is not always great. Isn`t it part of the adventure? Learning? Like life? I used to love reading all this controversial stuff even if it cann be frustrating. Still do sometimes. Who`s been there I wonder? There are many grey area circumstances where advise from us `could` help in some way or might just be interesting. The wheel keeps spinning....
What if someone googles one of these other previous cables, which others or myself happen to mention here, and finds this thread? Now all of a sudden some interest could/should spark. Listing previous cables here can help others get closer to the greatness of HF.
I KNOW how good HF is, as a past user, and I havn`t even heard their top of the line yet like you other guys. I feel very good about myself knowing I may have helped steer someone to the likes of HF.... Similar situation with Teo.
Quote from my old Teo HF thread here on Audiogon by member Essoteric -
"I'd like to add that the Teo has gotten even better. I've spent more time listening to music these last 4 weeks then ever before. I'm like a heroin addict, I just can't get enough. It's the best invesment I've made in my audio gear and I've spent thousands of dollars. It's not that my system didn't sound good before, it did. It's just that I would play music and sit back and read a book. Now reading is out of the question because the music completely draws you in, this cable is soooo good. That was the missing link.
I'll be forever indebted to you Petieboy for your excellent review that led me to this cable."
Ok so I only helped one guy make a tough decision to spend X-amount of dollars blindly on a frigging cable. But I felt so good about it after reading that post with Essoteric thanking me. Less info or less compliance.... Essoteric, and maybe others, might not be experiencing such audio bliss today. If you can only reach one person.....
Yea yea I know....that isn`t relevant either right.
Anyway, for what ever reason, simply seeing other previous cables does in fact sometimes help! Isn`t it plainly clear and undeniable once you actually think about it and maybe stop thinking about yourself? Hey there`s a thought.
People have been elaborating all sorts of experiences with current/past cables for years all over the net. Why should it stop here because some of us on high horse decide it is simply not relevant any more.
Hey, maybe it`s relevant to others for some reason! Ever consider this?
Should those reasons be assumed, ridiculed, ignored or even beat down! Can`t we just happily comply and try to help others and maybe have some fun in the process .....god forbid.
OK I`ll have one more shot simply because Tbg thinks everything is irrelevant when actually EVERYTHING is relevant!!
Einstein once said that everything is relevant, and making things relevant is key to being able to deal with an ever increasing picture.
Firstly if any previous cables have in fact been mentioned before then is it so hard to just post the web address of those posts?
Err,Tbg, why sucha kill joy? Havn`t your latest points already been made clear?
You wasted a full paragraph reiterating your justifications when you could have just listed those 15 cables lol. Don`t list your past cables then dude, if it is such a big deal, but can you also stop trying to be controlling and righteous maybe. Negative vibes.
Ok I`ll try to spell it out with some obvious examples since I have a bit of spare time right now. Havn`t dribbled on here for a while so why not.
What if someone might be on the verge of buying some cable, cable might happen to be on my previous cable list, and at the same time interested in HF. Now seeing this cable listed by me, and seeing how I preferred HF, now he may think twice and research more or ask questions which he may not have before. It is a cop out to simply tell someone to just go try them all for themselves(even though it`s obviously the best way) and nothing more. Or to simply state one cables superiority and nothing more.
What if someone is inexperienced and or someone with limited FUNDS figures out brands such as Teo and HF are benchmark brands and comes to this thread to get some advice from experienced users as to which lesser cables `might` be close or good choice. Regardless of or considering his specific system or w/e.
What if someone doesn`t want to go through what most of us have. How does he get advise? Go read some reviews? But reviews are somewhat `irrelevant` due to all the points guys like Tbg have made over and over right. Same thing goes for all our past experiences with cables apparently. Of course there will always be little agreement. Was there meant to be? That would make this cable fascination ..... well much less fascinating to say the least now wouldn`t it. Sure it is hard to make heads or tails sometimes. BUT with some tools such as research on specific users and components and tastes etc,connecting dots,process of elimination,cross examination,logic,common sense,interaction with guys(like us), intuition?, and of course your own experiences, one may sooner or later feel more confident to make a choice. Maybe even end up quite happy with himself. How do you go through these processes with nothing to feed off? All this can simply be fun even if the outcome is not always great. Isn`t it part of the adventure? Learning? Like life? I used to love reading all this controversial stuff even if it cann be frustrating. Still do sometimes. Who`s been there I wonder? There are many grey area circumstances where advise from us `could` help in some way or might just be interesting. The wheel keeps spinning....
What if someone googles one of these other previous cables, which others or myself happen to mention here, and finds this thread? Now all of a sudden some interest could/should spark. Listing previous cables here can help others get closer to the greatness of HF.
I KNOW how good HF is, as a past user, and I havn`t even heard their top of the line yet like you other guys. I feel very good about myself knowing I may have helped steer someone to the likes of HF.... Similar situation with Teo.
Quote from my old Teo HF thread here on Audiogon by member Essoteric -
"I'd like to add that the Teo has gotten even better. I've spent more time listening to music these last 4 weeks then ever before. I'm like a heroin addict, I just can't get enough. It's the best invesment I've made in my audio gear and I've spent thousands of dollars. It's not that my system didn't sound good before, it did. It's just that I would play music and sit back and read a book. Now reading is out of the question because the music completely draws you in, this cable is soooo good. That was the missing link.
I'll be forever indebted to you Petieboy for your excellent review that led me to this cable."
Ok so I only helped one guy make a tough decision to spend X-amount of dollars blindly on a frigging cable. But I felt so good about it after reading that post with Essoteric thanking me. Less info or less compliance.... Essoteric, and maybe others, might not be experiencing such audio bliss today. If you can only reach one person.....
Yea yea I know....that isn`t relevant either right.
Anyway, for what ever reason, simply seeing other previous cables does in fact sometimes help! Isn`t it plainly clear and undeniable once you actually think about it and maybe stop thinking about yourself? Hey there`s a thought.
People have been elaborating all sorts of experiences with current/past cables for years all over the net. Why should it stop here because some of us on high horse decide it is simply not relevant any more.
Hey, maybe it`s relevant to others for some reason! Ever consider this?
Should those reasons be assumed, ridiculed, ignored or even beat down! Can`t we just happily comply and try to help others and maybe have some fun in the process .....god forbid.