Tube amps under 1,800 for gallo 3.1's

I have been really wanting to try tube amps out for a long time now.
My budget is 1,800 used. I listen to rock music for the most part.

What amps will mesh good with my gallo 3.1's?

So far I'm looking at these amps in my price range.

Cary V12
Cary six pac mono's
Rouge M120 mono's
ASL Hurricane mono's

I will take others into consideration also.

I have had tubes with my Gallos. Highly modified Jolida 502b kt88 60 watts with a wide variety of tubes and cords, everything tweaked. 60 watts was plenty of power but the synergy just wasn't there. I am big fan of tube amps but with a few exceptions I think you are going to find the majority of folks using Gallos are using SS or class D amps and a tube preamp.

I am now using a Wyred 4 sound ST1000 and a Cary slp98 tubed preamp with just wonderful results. By far the best combination I have had with them. I definately wouldn't look to tubes for rock music with these speakers.
Just my 2 cents
I was using a bel canto s300. I liked the setup, but it was a bit to dry and thin.
I'm looking for a bigger and deeper sound stage.

I also want airy vocals and a midrange that is more rich.

I'm open for suggestions .