VTL MB250 sig or Nuforce Ref9 SE

Between those two amps which would the majority pick?. The rest is Usher Berylium BE-718, MFA pre MC one ref, Esoteric/ Victor K2 Dac
Having used the NuForce Ref 9V2 SE for a year and a half as my reference amps and now having gone to the Cary CAD 120S tube amp, my feeling is that the VTL amps would be the better way to go. The NuForce amp tends toward brightness and with those Berylium tweeters, I don't think it would provide the best match (and I did hear that combination at a CES a while back).

That said, the NuForce amps use way less power and I've had much better customer support from NuForce than from VTL.

Another possibility would be to use the Wyred 4 Sound amps with a nice tube preamp. The Cullen-designed Wyred 4 Sound amps are reportedly great sounding amps that are perhaps a bit reticent in the extreme highs (probably what you'd want with the Ushers). Good Luck!
I know the question a little vague, but a very brief opinion is good enough...
Hi5, you're welcome. I don't know how large your room is but if it's not huge (and you don't play at rock concert levels) you might also want to consider the Cary CAD 120S. It features dramatically solid and articulate bass, sweet mids, and extended, detailed treble that doesn't bite the ears. The output is 120 watts/channel and you can use tubes from the KT-88 or EL34 families. It comes with KT88s, and that's what I'm using.