What does this tell me?

I've got a buzzing issue that I'm trying to track down, here's what I know.
(FYI, my amp is an integrated)

~It's only coming out of the tweeters of my Vandersteen 2ce's.
~It happens regardless of the source, DVD player, Squeezebox or DAC.
~It only happens if I select an input that has a source connected to it. ie, if I switch to an input that has nothing connected to it, there's no buzzing.
~I've tried every input and they all buzz when something is connected to that input and they all don't buzz if there's nothing connected to that input.
~I've tried different power cables and IC's, they don't change anything.

I don't know where to go from here. Is it the amp? Is this a ground issue? What do I try next?

Besides the other good suggestions which have been offered, I'd suggest that you try unplugging the Power Wedge (and therefore everything that is plugged into it), and also try plugging both the Krell integrated and the Vandersteen sub into the TRL power strip (assuming it has sufficient current-handling capability).

Both the plasma tv and the satellite receiver could be generating rf interference that may be coupling into the low level components. The problem could also be worsened or caused by ground offsets (differences in potential) between the different outlets, or resulting from having some things on the conditioner and some things not on the conditioner.

Also, I'd suggest taking a portable am radio, tuning it to the bottom of the band (around 550kHz), and walking around with it in the area of the system to see if it picks up significant rf interference. As was mentioned, both dimmer switches and compact fluorescent lighting (or full-size fluorescents, for that matter) can be potent rfi generators, especially if the fluorescents are nearing the point of failure.

Hope that helps,
-- Al
Does your interconnects or speaker wire run across any power cords? This happened to me when I had the Odyssey Stratos amps in my system.
Get some two prong adapters to see if it's a ground loop, try amp and/or sub first.
I unplugged the sub, still noise. I unplugged the Power Wedge with the tv, &
satellite receiver, still noise. I took a radio tuned to about 550kHz and walk
around with it, whenever I got near the side of the rack with the amp, Oppo and
Squeezebox, it went nuts. I then unplugged the Squeezebox, still noise. I then
unplugged the Oppo, still noise. All that leaves is the power cable going into the
amp, the interconnects going into the amp, the speaker cables coming out of it
and the amp itself.

I guess I'll try re-routing cables and see if that makes a difference. And I'll try
Samhar's idea of the two prong adapter.

Thanks for all the input, keep it coming.
With all of those things disconnected, does the noise still happen only when inputs are selected which have interconnects plugged into them (the interconnects being unconnected at the other end, if I understood your post correctly)?

-- Al