Jeff Rowland Model 501 - Help ...

I have a good offer for a Jeff Rowland 501 mono's. Unfortunately I cannot hear them in my system prior to the transaction. My question to the owners of these babies: do they produce any kind of HF radiation (through ear or cables) which might disturb functioning my TV or FM Radio ?

Any experience would be much appretiated ...
The latest Bel Cantos have a filter that keeps out the Class D generated interference.
I'm very skeptical of these results. I have a Rowland Capri preamp and 102 amp stacked next to my Kenwood KT-917 tuner and sitting beneath a Panasonic plasma TV, which hangs on the wall above and behind. The amp is 7 inches from the tuner and about 18 inches from the TV. There is no indication whatsoever of interference or noise. I'm using the Rowland 102 to power a pair of 108 db efficient horns so I'm sure the noise would be obvious if it existed.

It is very difficult to find out the truth in HiFi ... in general. For example: you have different JR units (which are as far as I remember the later models) and completely different TV technology. FM is though the same.

I had for example the opportunity to talk to Jeff Rowland on Muenchen HiFi show, two weeks ago. And I asked him explicitely about radiation of 501's and he told me that they are safe concerning that matter. He told me even that JR has in their testing room an FM tuner placed on these mono's and that there are no degradation of FM signal.

I have no reason not to believe Jeff Rowland but friend of mine does not have any reason not to tell me the truth. He will though repeat the test in a completely different system (another friend of ours will be involved).

The only conclusion is that the radiation might be, under certain circumstances, an issue, depending probably on many factors. But that risk is to high for me ...