What Integrated Amps have the sonics of Separates?

I want to get off the $$$ bandwagon. I'm tired of spending money, and then in a year, the equipment has dropped in used value substantially, since the fickle audiophile community has moved on to new favorites.

There must be very good sounding integrateds, or more modestly priced separates that perform as well. I'm still looking for quality, weight and finish, so it doesn't have to be just modest priced gear.

Thoughts: Rowland, Plinius, Simaudio, Vincent, or others. Don't want cheap, plastic, light stuff with limited power either.

There must be audiophiles who have felt the same way, and found things that satisfied them as well, or nearly as well, because they were tired of spending and spending.
I am very happy with my Audio Space ref. 3.1 KT88 integrated. I came from a Llano Designs A200 and Thor Audio T1000MkII preamp. Can't go rock concert loud, but detail, soundstage, visceral musicality in spades. Bought mine from Albert Von Schweikert on his recommendation. Caps were upgraded by Albert prior to shipping to me. Upgraded to Gold Lion tubes and have no desire to upgrade at this time. Your speakers will be a factor so YMMV.

Happy Listening..
I suspect that a number of integrated amps have the sonic of separates, or may even be 'better' than the corresponding separates. This is because sometimes integrated are designed by. . . integrating existing separate components into a single box. . . and sometimes with some additional goodies not available on the separates thrown in for good measure. You mention a few brands, including my personal fav brand Rowland. . . but you do not mention budget, power requirements, the rest of your system, nor your sonic taste or musical preferences.

In the higher price range MF is very good. There is an MF NuVista M3 listed at $2195. This is an excellent amp with enough power to drive anything, up to 800 watts at 2 Ohms with one channel driven. It has only a MM input but committed LOMC users will probably have their own phono stage. Separate power supply, both together weigh over 100 lbs... Workmanship is very good, uses 4 readily available nuvistors in preamp section. Exposure 2010 has an excellent reputation at a lower price point. If what you have is at all suitable I would agree with Jaybo. Believe it on not in my more active dealer days I spent a good part of my time trying to talk my customers out of needless changes. VERY FEW audiophiles [I include myself] ever get the maximum out of their present system. At least 50% of the sound of a system is due to careful tuning or the lack of it. The most important thing is to decide what kind of sound you want and then figure out how to achieve it.
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