Made in Canada conundrum

We all know that some of the very best audio equipment is made in Canada. Some of these legendary companies don't have service facilities in the USA, so if it breaks,like mine did, you send it back to Canada. I just experienced this: Promised about 2 weeks turn-around time, but we're going on 2 months and it's still at Customs in Canada, who are waiting to clear it, having charged me tax, duty, broker fees (FedEx) and a fourth charge for some technicality that I've forgotten. What do US purchasers feel about paying tax, duty and broker fees when they buy Canadian and then pay the same fees again to have the original repaired? Annoyed, like I am, or did you know that? And would you have bought Canadian if you knew this before-hand - like I didn't, because nobody told me. Should I have known this? Opinions, please. (I will keep the Manufacturer's name confidential while I wait for resolution)
In my experience both Fedex and particularly UPS exploit customs situations to their advantage - whenever they are involved I have paid 90 % handling/brokerage fees to Fedex/UPS and 10% or less of the fee is actually in tax. (Yes a I have paid bills for over $100 for $5 in excise tax)

However, for a repair you should not pay ANY taxes.
In my experience, no matter how perfectly the proper procedures are written down and how good is the training for people at their work, there is always incompetent people on the job.

If it works out fine for some and badly for others, for the same concern, it is my immediate opinion it was somebody not caring or making a mistake about his job somewhere in the line, period. I doesn't have anything to do with being Canadian, American nor Martian !

Hey,come on ! How do you really think a business can remain viable exporting to other countries and bringing in repairs if it has no knowledge of how to do so in the customer's best interest.
I thought NAFTA was supposed to "open" the borders to the south and north and make shipping and movement of goods in general much easier and quicker, though not necessarily cheaper. Sorry to hear of the OP's frustrations.
Perhaps the simplest solution is to encourage our politicians on both sides of the border to plump for the FREE exchange of goods, services, and people across the borders. No customs fes no taxes. Letting the economic benefits of such activity make up for any losses in revenue by the present hasselling, taxing, and bureaucracy(bureau crazy?) on or over the citizens of either country.