Made in Canada conundrum

We all know that some of the very best audio equipment is made in Canada. Some of these legendary companies don't have service facilities in the USA, so if it breaks,like mine did, you send it back to Canada. I just experienced this: Promised about 2 weeks turn-around time, but we're going on 2 months and it's still at Customs in Canada, who are waiting to clear it, having charged me tax, duty, broker fees (FedEx) and a fourth charge for some technicality that I've forgotten. What do US purchasers feel about paying tax, duty and broker fees when they buy Canadian and then pay the same fees again to have the original repaired? Annoyed, like I am, or did you know that? And would you have bought Canadian if you knew this before-hand - like I didn't, because nobody told me. Should I have known this? Opinions, please. (I will keep the Manufacturer's name confidential while I wait for resolution)
Infotrad, thanks for the info. In brief, should it not be the job of the shipment agency to inform people of what you just found out when sending an item in another country for repair? Should we all have college degrees simply to ask a clerk accross the counter at the local UPS store, USPS, DHL or FedEx what has to be done to get the thing at the repair shop and back with minimum hassles at the border ? Aren't we suppose to expect those people to know what they're doing and tell us even before we ask ?

How come the shipping agency didn't inform Springbok something was missing on the shipping box ? How could they miss it ? A large and heavy box sent to Canada ? Somebody has to take the box, how come they didn't react when they learned,saw or charged to be sent in Canada ?
Polk, what a laugh I had reading your dribble...

This guy would be the perfect candidate for a Rick Mercer interview.
For those here that know who Rick Mercer is, just imagine.... Now that would be hilarious.

On a different note.
Springbok, two month's sitting in customs, I would be asking FedEx for answers maybe they screwed up, there's no way you should of payed any other cost's other then shipping.
U.S. and Canadian Customs are set up at these couriers facilities.The service you usually get from couriers is a few steps up from government postal workers.

Back in the mid 1980s through the 1990s I collected 1950's and earlier German table top radios, primarily Saba and Telefunken.
I bought direct from sources in Germany and the Netherlands.

I had maybe 5 radios out of dozens that I purchased in all those years opened for inspection by Canadian Customs.

Shipped by air then delivered to my door step usually took under 10 day's.
The radios that were flagged for inspection, all from the Netherlands BTW, this added 3 to 8 days to the overall time they took to reach me. Upon arrival a customs notice was included stating my parcel was opened for inspection.

Since then I have shipped components back to the U.S. for factory upgrades including purchases of dozens of other items from the U.S. and elsewhere that were delivered promptly with zero problems, most recent was a 40 pound Accuphase tuner from New Jersey.

I'm not suggesting this two month wait didn't happen to you, anything can happen, however it is extreme....
Ar this point, we don't know what actually happened. This being said, incompetency can be found everywhere, so it would be no surprise in the case of a courier company. But to stay on the sunny side, let's chalk it up to human error... and try to find where the error occured and fix it.
Stiltskin, it's nice to know that at least some people realize that this forum is a joke. I'm still laughing at some of the Irate e-mail I've received. I hope that my buyer enjoys the tonearm for years to come. I hate to see a person have to wait so long to receive an item they've paid for. I can't wait for hockey season to start. In Nigeria! Good luck to all. Go Red Wings
Polk432, it's you who is trying to turn this forum into a joke by injecting unfounded comments... such as in your last post. Unfortunately for you, if you left the forum alone, you would no longer have the pleasure of making it your personal joke.