Esoteric C-03 Break In Time

I've just taken delivery of a new Esoteric C-03 preamplifier. Out of the box this pre is a bit cold and dry. Does anyone have any experience with breaking in their C-03, and how long did it take for the beast to settle down and blossom?
The greatest change I heard in the C-03 occured early on and it easily needed two weeks just to settle down from travel. I think Bill has it about right - from my time with it, the C-03 did indeed 'smooth out' after a couple hundred hours of play, and for the most part reached a steady character after another couple hundred hours. I can't say no further break-in occurred, but I heard no substantive changes beyond that point. Wonderful engineering and sonics from Esoteric.
I found it needed considerable time. I also recommend turning it off once in awhile to lets the caps dissapate. Then turn it back on and let them charge back up. I would also highly recommend changing the global gain setting from 0db to the +12db setting. This gave the pre a bit more attack and has a huge imrovement in low end authority and definition. It is the most silken and musical SS pre I have yet to hear.
Frontier: Do you still have the C-03? What are your impressions after all this time with this pre-amp? Thanks!