What the most musical power amp for under $1K?

I have this Audio Research tube amp that soon will need to be retubed. So, one night I decided, just for fun, to hook up a little NAD 50 watt receiver, that I have in my office system, to drive my Von Schweikert VR4 SE's. Well, I couldn't believe it. The damn thing sounded pretty good. The word that coming to mind while listening was MUSICAL. No, it didn't have near the resolution, or air, or extension on the top as the Audio Research, but it sounded very nice, rich, warm and musical.
So, now I've been looking for something like a used NAD C272. Something to hold me over, until I really decide if I want to spend the bucks to retube, or get something else.
To get to the question, what's your recommendation for an inexpensive, MUSICAL, solid state amp to hold me over until I decide what to do (NAD, Parasound, Quad 909, Cambridge Audio, used Krell, etc). I'd like to find something for under $1K.
In advance, thanks!
Nsgarch needs to 'get out' more. Newer (used) Rotels are quite good for the money as well as the NAD units that I have heard. Also, Audio Research made a D200 solid state unit that performed admirably well in my primary system for a time. I have also come to respect the EAD componets which are incredible bargains at this point.

Bottom-line is that very musical solid state power amps do exist under $1K in the used market and really do not have to apologize about any aspect of performance.
Beware of vendors and their snake-oil amps.
People that give negative reviews of equipment
seem to vanish into cyberspace.
If two amplifiers are driving the same speakers
at the exact same volume without distorting you
will not be able to tell a $200 amplifier from
a megabuck Burmester 8^)
Used NAD 272 or 270 would be good choices

Rotels are pretty good, but not as musical as the NAD in my book


Emotiva Audio XPA-2 $799

Model 2200 Monoblock Power Amplifier $350 per channel

Anything you can afford used from Naim