Shindo Masseto Tubes and Fuses

Just bought a Shindo Masseto and like to ask for opinions concerning tube rolling and fuses
1. What type of 12AT7 should I get as backups?
2. I have heard that Hi-Fi Tuning slo-blo is wonderful in improving the sound of this preamplifier. How many fuse does Masseto use and must I open the cover in order to change the fuses
3. What about power cords. Currently using Virtual Dynamics Master but are there better ones for this.
4. What vibration/footers to use.


YG Lim
Sbayne - don't think YG Lim means any disrespect - he's just exploring. I have not tried anything on my Masseto, but am curious about the various things you have tried...the footers/pc's/ICs. If you can, what did you try and what was the effect - clearly you went back to the start.

I will give my humble input that changing KT88s on my Corton Charlemagne 80s (by necessity - blown tube during Christmas break) to Gold Lion re-issues worked for me. I also found that the Auditorium speaker cables didn't work for me (though I may try again with a new speaker). Again, just my experience.

YG - sorry, as I said I have not played with anything. I am not interested in changing the tubes (I agree that the entire unit is based on these tubes), but if you find pc's/footers are helpful- it would be good to know.

I own a Giscours that I use with Sinhonia F2a amps. I used to own a Masseto.

No disrespect to the OP, but if you just bought a Masseto and immediately feel the need to experiment with different tubes, fuses, and power cords, you have ENTIRELY missed the point of Shindo. You have a world-class piece of electronics designed by someone who understands better about what works best with his equipment than you or I will ever hope to know. Leave your Masseto alone, and just enjoy the music. If you want to fiddle, buy a Cary and have at it.
Hatari, I used the Gold Lion reissues and Hi-Fi Tuning fuses in a pair of Dynaco MKIIIs. I thought they made significant improvements to those amps. On my Shindo gear I've used pretty much every footer/tube dampener offered by Mapleshade and Herbie and various powercords from Nordost, Cardas, PS Audio and a few others. What I think happens is the balance of the Shindo sound starts to change. The bass my sound more solid which then makes the treble sound more recessed. The midrange my be spotlighted which makes the bass sound too soft. Things get out of wack so then you start fiddling more - change the interconnects, move the speakers, go back to that other footer, etc, etc, etc. I finally decided to just get off that merry-go-around and listen to the music...
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

I truly love what I am hearing and enjoying every minute with this preamplifier. At the same time, like to hear the views of others who may have added some tweaks like cables and footers that will improve its performance but again I am in no rush to start tube rolling or getting new footers etc.

As for the tube, I actually want to get the tubes as a spare set. Would definitely hate to not even have a spare set on standby. From what I can make out, it seems to be Telefunken 12AT7 but really noobie when it comes to these.

YG Lim
YG---For the info you seek contact Jonathan Halpern at Tone Audio.
Jonathan is the US Importer for Shindo.He is a straight shooter and wont steer you wrong.
If you are on the west coast you might want to contact Matthew Rotunda at Pitch Perfect Audio also a great resource for all things Shindo.
Now relax,turn your system on and enjoy