Shindo Masseto Tubes and Fuses

Just bought a Shindo Masseto and like to ask for opinions concerning tube rolling and fuses
1. What type of 12AT7 should I get as backups?
2. I have heard that Hi-Fi Tuning slo-blo is wonderful in improving the sound of this preamplifier. How many fuse does Masseto use and must I open the cover in order to change the fuses
3. What about power cords. Currently using Virtual Dynamics Master but are there better ones for this.
4. What vibration/footers to use.


YG Lim
YG, as you can see most guys think that you shouldn't mess with Shindo gear. But you prolly need to get it out of your system, (no pun intended) so why not try a few tweaks for yourself? Swapping the power cables and using footers are pretty easy, give it a shot, listen for a while and judge for yourself. Be sure to report back to us though, we're all curious to see how it works out.
Thanks very much input. After listening a while, I do agree with you completely. Somehow there is just too much bass and midrange, overshadowing everything else.

I have not tried any tweaks on the Masseto actually. Just wanted to know if anyone has improved the performance of this preamp.

btw, how does get the replacement tubes in case one blows. Does shindo sells the tubes for this preamp?

YG Lim
No problem YG, as a matter of fact I took out of my system 5000$ worth of power cords and I am now using the cheap stock ones. They were all filtering the sound of my system.

Enjoy searching,


Shindo has replacement tubes for all of their products.

When every model is sold, a fraction of the parts are used for production and another fraction is set aside for spares. When the parts for production are used up, the model production ends and something new is put out.

So don't worry about the tubes. If you want some backups to have on hand, you can find them on eBay or just contact Jonathan Halpern the distributor or Matt Rotunda at Pitch Perfect Audio.

Also, Shindo runs the tubes in their gear very conservatively so they should have a long life.
Hi YG,

You should consider repositioning your speakers. Often times, the addition of a new component in a system will require current loudspeaker position to be re-evaluated. This is especially true of a component that is capable of recreating the extraordinary amounts of musical energy in your recordings - just like the real event.

Enjoy the Masseto, it's fantastic.

Matt Rotunda
pitch perfect audio