I'll try the Wyred direct from the wall and leave it powered continuously and see where that leads. I hate to remove it from the PS Audio power plant--the regenerator really helps with focus. Still, that's a free sound experiment so it's worth a shot. Just a word though; I'm not in any way disatisfied with the sound I'm getting from the Wyred. I just find it ever-so-slightly less involving than the SET amp I just traded in. I was just wondering if those amps I've indicated might be a better choice(s).
If nothing comes of this thread, I still be mostly happy with my sound. Still, I wouldn't be an audiophile if I couldn't find something wrong. You know how it goes!
If nothing comes of this thread, I still be mostly happy with my sound. Still, I wouldn't be an audiophile if I couldn't find something wrong. You know how it goes!