Hi, I have heard the CT-1 and was impressed with it's sheer openess and clarity. It occured to me that it may even be too "cool" and crisp for certain solid state systems and maybe end up sounding a bit hard.
I am now interested in, but have yet to hear, the CT-1 Enhanced and am wondering how this sounds in comparison to the original?
Is it still cool and clear but maybe adds, dear I say it, more "musicality" and flow to the music.
Anyway, keen to hear from folk who have owned or heard both.
I am now interested in, but have yet to hear, the CT-1 Enhanced and am wondering how this sounds in comparison to the original?
Is it still cool and clear but maybe adds, dear I say it, more "musicality" and flow to the music.
Anyway, keen to hear from folk who have owned or heard both.